Public sale of real estate, owned by the debtor A.P.C., organized by private court contractor Alexander Tsankovski was announced. The properties sold are the following: 1) Two third ideal parts of almost rectangular land property with identifier 39614.16.23, with area of 2 540 sq.m. in the village of Kremen, Bansko municipality. The property is agricultural levels, not working, with a slight development and is located near a Polish road. The starting price is 10 838 BGN 2) One third ideal part of almost rectangular land ownership with identifier 39614.16.34, with an area of 3 506 sq.m. in the village of Kremen, Bansko municipality. The property is also agricultural levels, not working, with a slight development and is located near a complex with houses. The starting price is BGN 6 896. The sale will take place in Razlog District Court from 14.07.2023 to 14.08.2023. The persons wishing to participate in the bidding must submit a balance of 10% of the starting price of the property on the contractor's account. The bid will be held on 15.08.2023 in the building of Razlog District Court. After the sale of the properties, all mortgages on them and property rights established after the first mortgage will be repaid. Persons wishing to examine the properties can do so every week during the sale of the address of the properties. For more information and alerts on obstacles on the part of the debtor, an AC/DA-1 phone may be used: 073/831138.
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