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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

Property Auctions
Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Factory, Manufacturing

Auction sale of factory, manufacturing in Karlanovo, district Sandanski

starting price: € 270281
area: 5001 m2

Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Shukri Dervis, with registration number He796, by the court in Petrich was announced. The sale will be held for own property of B.D.E. ELECTRONICS Ltd., with address in Petrich, represented by Dimitriio Talassinos and E.G.K. - Managers. The property is located in the village of Karnalovo, Petrich municipality, Blagoevgrad district and has identifier 40912.114.8. The property is built building with an area of 2590 sq.m, located on land property with identifier 40912.114.8. The building has one floor and is designed for industrial activity. There are burdens such as contractual mortgage in favor of B.P.B. AD and forbade imposed by C.S. E.. The starting price of the property is 528 624.00 BGN. The property can be viewed by those who want every working day from 10:00 to 17:00 in the village of Karnalovo, Pingovitsa locality, during the time of public sale, under the supervision of a guard. In order to participate in the bidding, it is necessary to submit a 10% preliminary bid on the starting price. Offers for purchase are submitted to the office of the District Court - Petrich and end on the last day of the working hours. The sale will be announced on 21.03.2023 at 10:00 in the RS-Petric building, where the court contractor will draw up a protocol and announce the buyer.

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