Public sale of real estate in the town of Petrich, 10 Polkovnik Dragov Street was announced with the following characteristics: regulated land estate with planary number HeZ3 and area of 1075 sq.m. in district 6. The property is owned by Strumiani Municipality and will be sold through public sale organized by private court contractor Shukri Dervis. The starting price for bidding is BGN 424.87. The property can be examined by all interested parties in the village of Drakata, Strumyani Municipality, Blagoevgrad District, in working hours from 10:00 to 17:00. Participation in the bidding is required in advance to submit a call of 10% of the starting price by bank transfer. The bid will be held on 10.03.2023 in the building of the District Court - Sandanski. Offers for price shall be submitted in a sealed envelope by the end of the working day on the last day of sale. The bidding proposals may be withdrawn at the latest on the same day. All participants must be adults and fulfil the conditions for participation in a public sale. The sale will be declared closed in the presence of the bids, with the private court contractor drawing up a protocol and announcing the buyer.
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