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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Forecolsures, Revenue, Government

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Auction sale of other in Varbitsa, district Pleven

starting price: € 2071
area: 1310 m2

Public sale of real estate, owned by the debtor B.D.D., in implementation case No20157010400509 was announced. The property is located in Cherniche village, Simitli municipality, Blagoevgrad district. The plot has an area of 797 sq.m. and includes perfect parts of a residential building (112 sq.m.) and a garage (80 sq.m.). The property is surrounded by internal service lanes and green areas. The residential building is one-storey, with an area of 112 sq.m., with kitchen, two rooms, vestibule and bathroom with toilet. The garage has an area of 80 square meters and is also one-storey. The building is in good condition after partial repairs. There are also functioning electrical and plumbing installations. The starting price of the property is 35 958 BGN. There are burdens imposed on the property in favour of the applicant in the case. The sale will take place in Blagoevgrad District Court between 16.10.2023 and 16.11.2023. The persons wishing to participate in the sale must submit a charge of 10% of the starting price of the property. The bidding will be carried out in the District Court's proceedings by submitting a written bidding proposal in a sealed envelope. A view of the property can be carried out every weekday from 09:00 to 17:00 after prior appointment with the property keeper. For further information and objections from the debtor, you may contact the assistant of the private contractor specified in the advertisement.

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