Public sale of real estate is announced, which is owned by the debtor "B.B.K." OOD with EIC: 131273457. The property is a sports centre built to the extent of completion "hard construction" with identifier 02676.501.3714.150 on the cadastral map of Bansko, with an area of 94.15 sq.m., located in a five-storey massive residential building with a ceiling floor. The property includes 20,95 sq.m. from the common areas of the building and the right to construction on the site. The administrative address of the property is Bansko, Yavor Street, He37, et. 0. For the building there is a certificate for placing in service from 30.07.2008 by Arch. of Bansko Municipality. The starting price of the property is 24 322 BGN. The following burdens are imposed on the real estate: 1. Contract mortgage registered with vh. 05346/18.02.2009, act Me74, volume P, in vl. according to the entries in Razlog; 2. It's a contractual mortgage, registered with an I.V. Me5347/18.02.2009, Act Me75, Volume P, in the list of entries in Razlog; 3. Forbidden imposed by CSI Al Tsankovski, listed in HR108/10.01.2013, Act He75, Volume 1, in the list of entries in Razlog; 4. Bet on a commercial enterprise entered with H2948/28.09.2011 Act Ho4, Volume 1, in the list of entries Razlog; 5. Renewal of a contractual mortgage, registered with H23893/05.09.2019, Act Me174, Volume S, in the register of Razlog; 6. Renewal of Contract mortgage, registered with E3892/05.09.2019, Act 173, Volume S, in the register of Razlog. The sale will take place in the building of Razlog District Court from 9:00 p.m. on 22.04.2024 to 17:00 p.m. on 22.05.2024. The persons wishing to participate in the tender must submit a fee of 10% of the starting price of the property at a special account of C.A.C. in "United Bulgarian Bank" AD. Bidding is carried out in the District Court's administration through a written bidding proposal, which is filed in a sealed envelope until 23.05.2024 at 1:00 in the building of the District Court - Razlog. In the event of invalid bidding proposals, those submitted by persons without the right to bid are not indicated the property or the price, the price is lower or higher than the declared bid, has not been submitted or is less than 10% of the property price. After the public sale all mortgages on the property and all property rights established after the first mortgage are repaid. For more information and contact with the debtor's employee B.B.K. OOD with EIC: 131273457, you can contact Mr. Barushiev at 0884/388359, address: Bansko, Yavor Street, He37. For information and signals of obstruction by the debtor, the guard's phone may be used.
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