Public sale of real estate, owned by the debtor Emilia Tsankovski, organized by private court contractor Alexander Tsankovski was announced. The public sale is within the execution case with number 20167010400503. The properties are located in Bansko town and are the following: 1) Ideal part of agricultural property with identifier 02676.9.53, with an area of 4826 sq.m., in category levels. The property is part of the property He009053 and is located near Mehomian Road. The starting price of the property is 8 652 BGN 2) Ideal part of meadow property with identifier 02676.9.133, with an area of 5053 sq.m., in the meadow category. The property is part of the property He009133 and is located in the area of Raven. The starting price of the property is BGN 9 063. The property is subject to certain burdens in favour of the applicant in the case. The sale will be held in the building of Regional Court of Razlog from 25.07.2023 to 25.08.2023. The eligible participants must submit a bill of 10% of the starting price of the property on the account of C.A.C. at the Bank "DSK" AD. The bid will take place on 28.08.2023 at 13:00 in the District Court of Razlog. Persons wishing to participate in the sale may familiarize themselves with the securities on the sale and bid upon submission of the necessary documents. In the event of invalid bidding proposals, they will be declared as such. The time for viewing the properties is on the working days during the sale of the property in the town of Bansko. For additional information and signals about obstacles on the part of the debtor, you can contact the phone 073/831138.
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