Public sale of real estate, organized by private court contractor Boris Velinov was announced. The sale will take place in the period from 18.04.2023 to 18.05.2023, the end of the working time, in the building of Razlog District Court. The object of the sale is real estate in the town of Bansko, Asanitsa locality, entrance "S" in resort building "WYTOUCHS LOJ 2" with RPB 11352 sq.m. and SPB 2265.00 sq.m., located in land estate with identifier Ho 02676.155.115115, total area 7575 sq.m. The building offers a separate site with identifier 02676., with housing status, apartment with an area of 56,70 sq.m. and 15,62 sq.m. ideal parts of the common parts of the building. The starting price of the property is 40117.60 BGN. On the real estate was established a contractual mortgage for the benefit of "UNICREDIT BULBANK" AD. Those who wish can look at the property every day or after prior appointment in the complex "WYTOUCHS LOJ 2" in Bansko. To participate in the tender, the bids must pay 10% of the starting price of the property. The sale will take place on 19.05.2023 in Blagoevgrad. For more information and contacts: Boris Velinov, tel. 073 830 639, 0878 575 802.
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