This real estate auction corresponds to a garage located on Calle Panorama 31, Es:1 Pl:-1 Pt:81, 03581 L'Alfas del Pi, Alicante. It is a garage space numbered 81, located in the basement floor of the Albir Hills complex, in the town of L'Alfaz del Pi, in the Pla del Azagador game. The garage square has an area of 10.12 square meters and it is on the right with the garage square number 80, on the left with the garage square number 82, on the front with the common maneuver zone and on the back with the foundation of bungalows. The parking space has a quota in the complex of 0.3026 ten thousandths percent. The procedure of the real estate auction organized by the Spanish government agency includes the bidding of different properties such as this garage space, where the interested parties can participate following the indications and requirements established by the responsible entity. Participants must comply with the terms and conditions of the auction, submit the required documentation and make their bids in a transparent manner and in accordance with established regulations. Once the auction process is complete, the property will be awarded to the bidder with the highest bid, who will have to complete the corresponding procedures for the acquisition of the real estate.
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